BAP data is transitioning to a new database system. For the time being, these numbers here have been calculated manually. Point assignments and totals may be adjusted once all data has been loaded into the new system.
Recognition and Awards Earned
Alex Eilts is 2023 Breeder of the Year with 260 pts - congrats!
Alex Eilts is also Rookie Breeder of 2023 with 130 'rookie' pts (Nov 2022 to Sept 2023) - congrats again!
Phillip Kelsey earned the 100 pt Award - congrats! (Dec )
Rod White entered his first bags and earned the 25 pt Beginners Award - congrats! (Dec)
Andrew Bogott became the fifth person ever to have earned the BAP Lifetime Award - 2000pts! - WOW! congrats! (Nov)
Jim Barczak earned the 100 pt Award - congrats! (Nov)
Dario De Paz earned the 100 pt Award - congrats! (Nov)
Alex Eilts earned the 100 pt Award - congrats! (Sept)
Brent Larson earned the 25 pt Beginners Award - congrats! (Sept 2023)
John Pyrz earned the 250 pt Award - congrats! (July)
Benjamin Clasen submitted his first BAP entry (April) Welcome!
Randy Carey earned the 3000 pt Award (Feb 2023)
Brad & Nancy Swanson earned the 1250 pt Award - congrats! (Feb 2023)
Jim Barczak earned the 25 pt Beginners Award - congrats! (Feb 2023)
Laura Kozamchak earned the 25 pt Beginners Award - congrats! (Feb 2023)
Ryan Storlien is 2022 Breeder of the Year with 260 pts - congrats!
Ryan Storlien is also Rookie Breeder of 2022 with 105 'rookie' pts - congrats again!
Ryan Storlien earned the 250 pt Award - congrats! (Nov)
Brett Krull earned the 100 pt Award - congrats! (Nov)
Greg Goodnow earned the 25 pt Beginners Award (Nov)
Alex Eilts earned the 25 pt Beginners Award (Nov)
Greg Goodnow submitted his first BAP entry (Nov) Welcome!
Laura Kozamchak submitted her first BAP entry (Nov) Welcome!
Alex Eilts submitted his first BAP entry (Nov) Welcome!
Submissions for 2023
Alex Eilts 9 species 155 points
(Sept) 20points Xenia elongata (coral) **
(Sept) 20points Pachyclavularia violacea (coral) **
(Sept) 20points Clavularia viridis (coral) **
(Sept) 15points Trochus sp. "red banded" (marine snail)
(Sept) 20points Cyprinodon longidorsal (La Palma pupfish) **
(Dec) 20points Parazoanthus gracilis "Yellow Polps" (coral)
(Dec) 20points Tylomelania Gemmifera. "rabbit snail" (marine)
(Dec) 10points "chapstick snail" (marine)
(Dec) 10points Tanichthys albonubes
Jim Barczak 11 species 115 points
(Feb)10 points Julidochromis transcriptus
(Feb)10 points Neolamprologus similis
(Feb)15 points Neolamprologus cylindricus
(Feb)10 points Lamprologus signatus
(April)10 points Neolamprologus caudopunctatus
(April)10 points Neolamprologus punctatus
(April)10 points Planorbarius corneus
(Nov)10 points Cyprichromis leptosoma "Utinta"
(Nov)10 points Telmatochromis vittatus
(Nov)10 points Julidochromis ornatus "Congo Yellow"
(Nov)10 points Lamprologus ornatipinnis"
Randy Carey 6 species 95 points
(Feb)15 points Corynopoma riisei
(April)20 points Rasbora boreptensis
(July)10 points Goodea attropinnis
(July)15 points Hyphessobrycon procyon
(July)15 points Hyphessobrycon myrmox
(July)20 points Paracheirodon axelrodi
Phillip Kelsey 7 species 80 points
(Feb)15 points Apistogramma trifasciata
(Feb)15 points Tateurndina ocellicauda
(April)15 points Pristella maxillaris
(Dec)10 points Melanotaenia precox
(Dec)10 points Limia nigrofasciata
(Dec)10 points Melanotaenia splendida inornata
(Dec) 5points Neocaridina davidi (Blue Dream Shrimp)
Brett Krull 6 species 70 points
(Feb) 15 points Rhinogobius delicates
(Feb) 10 points Limia nigrofasciata
(Feb) 10 points Tanichthys albonubes
(April)10 points Neolamprologus multifasciatus
(July)10 points Neolamprologus ocellatus 'gold'
(July)15 points Jeynsia orca
Andrew Bogott 4 species 55 points
(April)15 points Rhinogobius sp 'maze face'
(April)10 points Bedotia madagascarensis
(April)15 points Rhinogobiaus sp. 'strawberry'
(Nov)15 points Brachygobius sabanus **
Dario De Paz 4 species 55points
(Feb)10 points Corydoras aeneus (albino)
(April)10 points Corydoras paleatus
(July)15 points Andinoacara pulcher
(Nov)20 points Symphysodon aequifasciatus
Andy Jameson 5 species 55 points
(July)15 points Pseudomugil ivansaffi
(July)10 points Poecilia reticulata
(July)10 points Julidiochromis transcriptus
(July)10 points Aphyosmion australe
(July)10 points Poecilia wingei
Laura Kozamchak 6 species 55 points
(Feb) 10 points Poecilia wingei
(Feb) 10 points Xenotoca doadrioi
(July) 5 points Neocardina davidi
(July)10 points Poecilia reticulata
(Nov) 10pointsNeolamprologus similis
(Nov) 10points Oryzias latipes var. “youkihi”
Ryan Storlien 5 species 50 points
(Feb)10 points Oryzias woworae
(April)10 points Neolamprolugus brevis
(July)10 points Rhadinocentius ornatus
(July)10 points Julidochromis dickfeldi
(Dec)10 points Julidochromis marksmithi
John Pyrz 4 species 40 points
(Feb)10 points Chapalichthys pardalis
(July)10 points Chapalichthys peraticus
(July)10 points Limia vittata
(July)10 points Tanichthys albonubes
Rod White 3 species 30 points
(Dec) 10 points Ancistrus sp.
(Dec) 10 points Julidochromis transcriptus
(Dec) 10 points Poecilia wingei
Brad & Nancy Swanson 3 species 30 points
(Feb)10 points Placidochromis phenochilus Mdoka "white"
(Feb)10 points Veija bifasciata
(April)15 points Hemichromis exsul
Brent Larson 2 species 25 points
(Sept) 10 points Tanichthys albonubes (White Cloud Mountain Minnow)
(Nov)15 points Trichogaster chuna
Greg Olson 2 species 25 points
(Feb)10 points Julidochromis regain
(Feb)15 points Rhinogobius delicates
Benjamin Clasen 2 species 15 points
(April) 5 points Neocaridina sp.
(April)20 points Poecilia sphenops
Bob Randall 1 species 10 points
(Sept) 10 points Sewellia lineolata (Hillstream loach)**
** point value has been assigned tentatively - value may be adjusted under further reveiw
BAP standings for all active members:
Points Spawns Participant
3765 322Bob Randall
3085 222Randy Carey
level: 3000 point Award
level: 2250 point recognition
2120 196 Jim Mathis
2070 147 Rich Smaciarz
2010 151 Andrew Bogott
level: Life Master Breeder Award: 2000 point award
level: 1750 point recognition
1665 147 Tom Chronakos
1600 138 Ron Hansen
1520 126 Lenny Ancheta
level: 1500 point (Grand Master Breeder) recognition
1465 145 Bette Lowe
1400 132 Matt Miller
1360 131 Jason Swanson
1270 119 Brad & Nancy Swanson
level: 1250 point recognition
1240 120 Dave Stewart
1135 105 Mike Fries
level: 1000 point (Master Breeder) award
985 92 Jenny Kruckenberg
870 89 Dorie Tennessen
810 83 Chris Srdar
760 72 Tom Gromek
level: 750 point award
725 56 Ken Balfanz
700 55 Kevin Mathews
570 60 Charles Nelson
565 52 Rick Ball
535 48 Milo Squires
515 40 Jeremy Schmit
505 48 Sue Macmillan
level: 500 point award
490 41 Kris Jolivette
470 44 Blake Carlson
435 37 David Mattson
395 41 Ben Bauman
395 42 Adam Cady
385 35 Jim Hirsch
370 33 Steve Morrison
370 34 Andrew Henderson
335 32 Ryan Storlien
285 23 Chet Ekstedt
280 27 Bryan Stefansky
280 27 Carter McAninch
255 25 John Pyrz
255 28 Chuck & Rita Ekstedt
level: 250 point award
245 22 Andy Jameson
245 20 Scott Leiferman
245 22 Ken B.
235 23 Nicholas Orvis
210 23 Dale Skiba
190 14 Alex Eilts
190 21 Brandon Benson
175 17 Brett Krull
160 15 Shawn Flynn
155 17 Brittany Anderson
165 17 Mark Stanger
145 14 Bruce Routh
140 16 Fernando E.
135 14 Brent Avenson
150 15 Brian Neppl
125 12 Phillip Kelsey
125 13 Jim Barczak
105 9 Dario De Paz
105 12 Greg Hanson
level: 100 point award
95 8 Greg Olson
95 10 Dan Hanson
90 6 Willie Loh
90 8 Christopher Smith
90 8 Mike Paskeuric
75 11 Philip Marlow
65 7 Laura Kozamchak
65 6 Chad S.
65 8 Taylor Blake
60 7 Bob Carter
60 7 Kathy Metzker
60 8 Tom Glenn
45 4 Brent Larson
40 3 Ricq Pattay
40 4 Amy Zaccardi
40 4 Bruce Avenson
40 4 Stephan Tanner
35 4 Asher Berg
35 4 Derick Doberstein
35 4 Jeremia G.
35 5 Sandy Moon
35 7 Travis Shaddrick
30 3 Rod White
30 3 Nathan H.
30 4 Dakota Rose
30 4 Phil Palan
25 2 Greg Goodnow
25 2 Steve Morrison
25 3 Sharon 1
25 4 Mike Glaser
level: 25 point award
20 2 Erin Perry
20 2 Caitlin Martin
20 2 Garrett Brueland
20 2 Kian S.
20 2 Lucas L.
20 2 Natasha Westen
20 2 Neil Pascale
20 2 Unknown U.
20 3 Jen Knutson
20 3 Lori Eads
15 2 Benjamin Clasen
15 2 Anthony Adams
10 2 Ryan Pieh
10 1 Dave Rist
10 1 Dorie Rose
10 1 Harold K.
10 1 John Heyer
10 1 Matt Helson
10 1 Vince Meyer
10 2 Jesse Knudson
10 2 Jesse M.
10 2 Teresa Seaberg
10 1 Fred LaPlant
5 1 Austin Wessel
5 1 Joe T.
5 1 Michael C.
5 1 Robert F.
5 1 Matthew Weippert
5 1 Chue Feng Xiong